Yi-Qian Sun



  • ph.d. i medisin. Linköpings universitet, Sverige (2004);
  • medisinsk grad. Capital Medical University, Kina (1992)


  • 2019–, Kompetansesenteret Tannhelse Midt (TkMidt), Trondheim, Norge. Seniorforsker
  • 2022–, Institutt for klinisk og molekylær medisin (IKOM), NTNU, Norge. Seniorforsker (forsker 1183 med professorkompetanse)
  • 2016–2022, Institutt for klinisk og molekylær medisin (IKOM), NTNU, Norge. Forsker
  • 2014–2016, Institutt for bioteknologi og matvitenskap, NTNU, Norge. Postdoktor
  • 2010–2014, Vectron Biosolutions AS, Trondheim, Norge. Vitenskapelig direktør
  • 2008–2009, Institutt for bioteknologi og matvitenskap, NTNU, Norway. Forsker
  • 2006–2007, Dept. of Biochemistry, Microbiology and Immunology, University of Ottawa, Canada. Postdoktor
  • 1992–1996, Dept. of Medicine, Beijing Friendship Hospital, Capital University of Medical Sciences, Beijing, Kina. Lege

Arbeider nå med følgende prosjekter og grupper

  • Oral Helse KAG Promotere
  • Oral helse, vitamin D og kognitiv funksjon
  • HUNT4 Tannhelse med i GLIDE2
  • Munnhelse hos eldre i Trøndelag (HUNT70+)
  • Barndomshendelser, oral helse og tannbehandlingsangst


  • Genetisk epidemiologi
  • Molekylær mikrobiologi og microbiome
  • Forhold mellom oral helse og generell helse
  • Årsakssammenheng mellom risikofaktorer og sykdommer
  • Studiedesign og epidemiologisk statistisk metodikk; anvendt statistisk modellering ved bruk av STATA og R

Du kan også søke på forfatteren her


The Association Between Cognitive Function and Oral Health in Home Dwellers and Nursing Home Residents: The HUNT Study
Pub med
Associations of Serum Vitamin D With Dental Caries and Periodontitis: The HUNT Study
Science Direct
The association between clinically evaluated cognitive function and oral health in Norwegian older adults: The HUNT Study
Serum vitamin D, blood pressure and hypertension risk in the HUNT study using observational and Mendelian randomization approaches
Body mass index and all-cause mortality in HUNT and UK biobank studies: revised non-linear Mendelian randomisation analyses
Pub Med
The association between serum vitamin D status and dental caries or molar incisor hypomineralisation in 7–9-year-old Norwegian children: a cross-sectional study
Springer Link
Prevalence of malnutrition among older adults in a population-based study-The HUNT Study.
Pub Med
Increased expression of individual genes in whole blood is associated with late-stage lung cancer at and close to diagnosis.
Sci Rep
Age at Menarche, age at Natural Menopause, and Risk of Lung and Colorectal Cancers: A Mendelian Randomization Study
Pub Med
Vitamin D Status Over Time and Cognitive Function in Norwegian Older Adults: A Prospective Cohort of the HUNT Study
Springer Link
Estimated cardiorespiratory fitness in relation to overall, breast and prostate cancer incidence: the Norwegian HUNT study
Science Direct
Reproductive Factors in Relation to Incidence of Lung and Colorectal Cancers in a Cohort of Norwegian Women: The HUNT Study
Endocrine Society
Body mass index and incidence of lung cancer in the HUNT study: using observational and Mendelian randomization approaches
Phenotype Harmonization in the GLIDE2 Oral Health Genomics Consortium
J Dent Res
Oral health history in children referred to a child advocacy center in Norway
Child Abuse Negl
The validity of self-reported number of teeth and edentulousness among Norwegian older adults, the HUNT Study
BMC Oral Health
Assessing the role of genome-wide DNA methylation between smoking and risk of lung cancer using repeated measurements: the HUNT study
Int J Epidemiol
Asthma and asthma symptom control in relation to incidence of lung cancer in the HUNT study
Sci Rep
Vitamin D status and risk of type 2 diabetes in the Norwegian HUNT cohort study: Does family history or genetic predisposition modify the association?
BMJ Open Diabetes Research & Care
Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D level in relation to weight change and the risk of weight gain in adults of normal weight at baseline: the Norwegian HUNT cohort study
BMJ Open
Health-Related Quality of Life and Sleep Quality after 12 Months of Treatment in Nonsevere Obstructive Sleep Apnea: A Randomized Clinical Trial with Continuous Positive Airway Pressure and Mandibular Advancement Splints
Int J Otolaryngol
Hours lying down per day, as a proxy for sedentary behaviour and risk of diabetes in young and middle-aged adults in Norway: an 11-year follow-up of the HUNT study
BMJ Open
Mixed evidence for the relationship between periodontitis and Alzheimer's disease: A bidirectional Mendelian randomization study
PLoS One
Friedman Score in Relation to Compliance and Treatment Response in Nonsevere Obstructive Sleep Apnea
International Journal of Otolaryngology
Adiposity and asthma in adults: a bidirectional Mendelian randomisation analysis of The HUNT Study
Self-Reported Sleep Quality With Mandibular Advancement Device
J Dent Sleep Me
Cøliaki og tannhelse i HUNT4
HUNT4 Tannhelse
Oral helse, vitamin D og kognitiv funksjon
Munnhelse hos eldre i Trøndelag (HUNT70+)
Oral helse KAG - Klinisk akademisk gruppe for oral helse
TRIP tann: Mors vitamin D-status i svangerskapet og senere munn- og tannhelse hos barnet


  • ph.d. i medisin. Linköpings universitet, Sverige (2004);
  • medisinsk grad. Capital Medical University, Kina (1992)


  • 2019–, Kompetansesenteret Tannhelse Midt (TkMidt), Trondheim, Norge. Seniorforsker
  • 2022–, Institutt for klinisk og molekylær medisin (IKOM), NTNU, Norge. Seniorforsker (forsker 1183 med professorkompetanse)
  • 2016–2022, Institutt for klinisk og molekylær medisin (IKOM), NTNU, Norge. Forsker
  • 2014–2016, Institutt for bioteknologi og matvitenskap, NTNU, Norge. Postdoktor
  • 2010–2014, Vectron Biosolutions AS, Trondheim, Norge. Vitenskapelig direktør
  • 2008–2009, Institutt for bioteknologi og matvitenskap, NTNU, Norway. Forsker
  • 2006–2007, Dept. of Biochemistry, Microbiology and Immunology, University of Ottawa, Canada. Postdoktor
  • 1992–1996, Dept. of Medicine, Beijing Friendship Hospital, Capital University of Medical Sciences, Beijing, Kina. Lege

Arbeider nå med følgende prosjekter og grupper

  • Oral Helse KAG Promotere
  • Oral helse, vitamin D og kognitiv funksjon
  • HUNT4 Tannhelse med i GLIDE2
  • Munnhelse hos eldre i Trøndelag (HUNT70+)
  • Barndomshendelser, oral helse og tannbehandlingsangst


  • Genetisk epidemiologi
  • Molekylær mikrobiologi og microbiome
  • Forhold mellom oral helse og generell helse
  • Årsakssammenheng mellom risikofaktorer og sykdommer
  • Studiedesign og epidemiologisk statistisk metodikk; anvendt statistisk modellering ved bruk av STATA og R

Du kan også søke på forfatteren her
